Gainswave Therapy in Palm Springs, FL

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Reclaim Your Sexual Health at Calla Genics in Acreage

You know the saying that time waits for no person? As you get older, it becomes more evident that it's true. One day you can wake up, grab a shower, and hit the basketball court all day without any problems. The next, you're sore in places you never thought were possible. Many men in their 20s feel like they're bulletproof, but like everyone, it's only a matter of time before age plays a factor in their daily life.

While backaches and sore joints can be treated with ice and ibuprofen, there's another symptom of aging that isn't as easy to address: erectile dysfunction. For most men, hearing those two words back-to-back sends shivers down the spine. Lacking the ability to perform in the bedroom is a horrible thought. Still, it's not uncommon - over 18 million men suffer from ED in the U.S. Unfortunately, many men who have erectile dysfunction keep their issues private, making life miserable for themselves and their partners. Luckily, those days are over, and more men are discovering new ways to reclaim their youth and performance in the bedroom.

Sure, it's true that time waits for no man, but treatments like Gainswave therapy in Palm Springs, FL, turn back the clock with amazing effectiveness. If you're ready to reignite that special spark when the time is right, Calla Genics is the clinic you need to visit for long-term results.

Peyronie's Disease

Peyronie's Disease

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction



Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral Neuropathy

Reshape Your Sex Life with Gainswave Therapy from Calla Genics

Can we be honest? Talking about male sexual health can feel a tad taboo, even in today’s day and age. That’s doubly true when a man’s sexual performance comes into question. If you are a male and you feel the same way, don’t worry – we get what you’re going through. Fortunately, you don’t need to feel embarrassed or timid about your perceived deficiencies for long. What you’re experiencing is perfectly normal, and our team of ED specialists is here to help.

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re thinking about or have already been to your primary care doctor. While that’s never a bad idea, many docs are prescribing men medications that just aren’t effective. Sure, the “little blue pill” may work for a while, but for how long? Is there a tolerance involved? What about the side effects?

If you’re a man who doesn’t want to put foreign chemicals in your body or suffer through uncomfortable side effects, we’ve got great news. There’s a revolutionary solution to conditions like ED and Peyronie’s disease. It’s called Gainswave treatment, and it’s changing the way men think about sexual health.

Unlike commonly prescribed ED treatment options, there is no risk of surgery or drugs associated with Gainswave. Instead of chemicals or invasive procedures, Gainswave uses acoustic wave technology to boost sexual performance and erectile strength, giving men more confidence when they need it most.

Gainswave, which has been used across the globe for more than a decade, is backed by science and proven to rejuvenate vasculature in male erectile tissue. This exciting procedure actually boosts blood flow to the penis without any pain or recovery time. In fact, many men can pop into a Gainswave treatment center on their lunch break and return to work without taking any time off.

But the benefits of Gainswave don’t stop there. Because this treatment breaks up micro-plaques and increases nitric oxide production, it enables new blood vessel and collagen formation. That’s incredible news for men suffering from Peyronie’s disease, which we’ll cover soon.

The effects and advantages of using Gainswave often include:

  • Stronger Erections
  • Enhanced Sexual Pleasure
  • Improved Length and Girth
  • Better Penis Circulation
  • Increased Blood Flow
  • Less Downtime Between Orgasms
Choose Calla Genics for Medical

Wondering how Gainswave therapy works? It’s simpler than you might think.

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How Does Gainswave Therapy in Acreage Work?

Is Gainswave too good to be true? It might seem like it is, but in reality, these treatments are backed by research and shown to be effective.

Gainswave therapy works by addressing the most common reason for ED, which is blood flow. Constant blood flow is crucial for maintaining strong erections. However, as men age, blood vessels in the penis begin to break down and fill with micro plaques. Gainswave's low-intensity pulse waves help re-open closed blood vessels and disrupt plaque, giving men across the country hope for healthy sexual intercourse. To add to the list of Gainswave's benefits, most men don't have to worry about expensive insurance claims since the procedure is surgery and drug-free.

At Calla Genics, our patients love Gainswave because it's effective, quick, and gets straight to the underlying cause of ED. Plus, with its ability to be combined with treatments like the P-Shot, it can solve more than just ED issues.

Gainswave Therapy Acreage Work

Calla Genics' Gainswave treatments feature:

  • Low-Intensity Shockwaves
  • No Pain
  • No Needles
  • No Pills
  • Little-to-No Downtime
  • Short Procedure Times

How Much Money is Gainswave Therapy in Palm Springs, FL?

The Cost of Gainswave therapy varies from patient to patient. Typically, pricing depends on how many treatments a patient needs to get long-lasting relief from their ED symptoms. Generally speaking, patients can expect anywhere from six to twelve Gainswave treatments for optimal results. Remember - Gainswave therapy has been shown to last for months, making it a long-term alternative to much more expensive ED prescriptions.

Is There Any Research Supporting Gainswave Therapy?

Numerous research studies are showing the long-term effectiveness of shockwave therapies like Gainswave. Regarding Gainswave, protocols for the therapy have been developed in over 40 research studies that support how effective Gainswave can be for male sexual health.

What is Calla Genics’ P-Shot in West Palm Beach, FL?

As men grow older, they face a host of issues that can affect their sex life and overall confidence. Often, men of a certain age suffer from softer erections and aren’t able to last as long in bed. In the past, men going through these issues relied on substances and procedures that worked some of the time but never provided long-lasting results. Thankfully, those days are over.

Like Gainswave therapy, Calla Genics’ P-Shot is a painless, non-invasive, long-term solution to common sexual performance problems that millions of men face. Also called the Priapus Shot, this therapy consists of platelet-rich plasma, also called PRP, in the medical world. The P-Shot uses your body’s proteins and natural growth factors from your own blood to stimulate cell regeneration, new blood vessel production, and new collagen production.

The P-Shot treats a wide range of sexual and urinary issues in men and has been shown by doctors to:

  • Boost Vitality
  • Increase Erection Functionality
  • Enhance Erection Firmness
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Improve Overall Sexual Performance
  • Treat Peyronie's Disease
P-Shot in West Palm Beach

Calla Genics' P-Shot procedure starts by extracting the patient's blood and concentrating the blood's healing factors (like stem cells and other growth factors). From there, the patient's white and red blood cells are separated in a centrifuge, which spins the blood at high speeds until it separates. From there, the patient's concentrated healing factors are injected into their penile region. Calla Genics' P-Shot treatment is hassle-free and pain-free and can usually be completed in less than an hour right here at our P-shot clinic in Acreage.

For men with serious cases of erectile dysfunction, Calla Genics offers our P-Shot with the added bonus of Botox for increased effectiveness. We know what you're thinking: "Isn't Botox meant for women? I don't care about the wrinkles on my face; I just want help with my ED."

While it's true that Botox is most commonly associated with female anti-wrinkle treatment, researchers believe it can help with male ED as well. Botox—which is technically a bacterial toxin with the name botulinum—smooths out wrinkles by blocking nerve impulses that cause muscle contractions.

That same mechanism may help men achieve erections. Botox can interrupt the release of norepinephrine, which restricts blood flow. But it doesn't affect the release of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a crucial element in achieving an erection since it relaxes smooth muscle and causes blood to engorge the penis.

Because of the nature of Botox, research shows that it may give men enhanced erections for months. Older men with particularly severe ED may see the most significant improvements. As an added bonus, Botox may work for males who have physiological erectile dysfunction (caused by blood flow issues) and psychogenic ED (triggered by physiological factors).

Want to learn more about adding Botox to P-Shot treatment? The Calla Genics customer service team is ready to help answer all of your questions.

While the P-Shot can work wonders for men experiencing performance and erectile issues, the P-Shot has other uses. One of the most important and revolutionary issues the P-Shot treats is called Peyronie's disease.

Found in nearly 10% of all men in the U.S., Peyronie's disease is a common problem that can affect a man's sexual activity and sex life. Essentially, Peyronie's disease is the medical label used to describe an abnormal curve or bend in a patient's penis. Though it's very common for a man to have a slight bend in their penis, men suffering from Peyronie's disease experience significant pain, especially when trying to achieve an erection. Because of the nature of the disease, Peyronie's is linked to male erectile dysfunction.

Peyronie's disease is often caused by a previous injury or damage to a man's penis via sexual intercourse or physical activity. Some of the most common symptoms of Peyronie's disease include:

  • Painful Erections
  • Unusually Soft Erections
  • Extreme Penis Curvature
  • Significant Difficulty Having Sexual Intercourse
  • Lumps Found in the Penis

Living with Peyronie's disease makes life quite difficult. Unfortunately, we're discovering that this malady is more prevalent than we once thought. That's probably because more and more men are coming forward to talk about their ED. We understand if you're suffering from Peyronie's disease but are reluctant to speak to a professional due to embarrassment. However, if you're sick and tired of living with Peyronie's and want to reclaim your sex life, Calla Genics' P-Shot may be the long-term solution you need.

The alternative to the P-Shot involves "traditional" treatments like penile stretching devices and penile implants, which sometimes involve vacuum technology and invasive procedures. If you're cringing a little just reading those words, Calla Genics' P-Shot is the way to go for Peyronie's disease treatment.

Results vary for every patient, but in general, many men discover relief soon after their first P-Shot treatment. If you're a man struggling to achieve and keep an erection, Calla Genics' P-Shot should help you almost immediately. Other enhancements, like more penis girth and size, can take longer.

Because our P-Shot treatment in Acreage uses a patient's own blood, there is no risk for harmful side effects or allergic reactions. It's a pain-free treatment that we perform right here at our male sexual health center, and is usually over in 30 minutes or less.

Pricing varies depending on our patient's needs. Compared to other erectile dysfunction treatments, P-Shot therapy is relatively inexpensive. Since there are no oral medications or pills to take, patients don't have to worry about refilling prescriptions. The P-Shot is also much less expensive than surgical options, which require multiple doctor's appointments, follow-ups, and more.

Studies published via the International Society for Sexual Medicine found that Gainswave treatments display significant, positive results that can last as long as 12 months. And while low-intensity shockwave therapy is proven to provide significant improvement in erectile function, Gainswave doesn't have to be used all on its own.

For the most effective male enhancement treatment, many men are combining Calla Genics' Gainswave therapy with our P-Shot treatments. These two revolutionary ED treatments feed off one another to provide a doubly-beneficial effect. In medicine, we call it a synergistic effect.

The platelet-rich plasma from the P-Shot can help open up a patient's blood vessels in their penis. This can actually enhance the effectiveness of Gainswave therapy. Conversely, Gainswave treatments can help stimulate healing factors used in the P-Shot, essentially sending PRP deeper into a patient's damaged penis tissue.

Our Bocoxâ„¢ Treatment

It is recommended to receive this treatment by a specially trained physician much like Calla Genics' very own Dr. Tiffany. A single Bocoxâ„¢ treatment can combat erectile dysfunction, ridding your need of having to take Viagra or any surgical procedures.

How Bocoxâ„¢ Can Help You!

Here at Calla Genics, we have now been doing the P-Shot® procedure for years with much success and with a significant body of medical research that supports the procedure. In the studies below, you will notice that we have added units of BOTOX, which the recommended dose showed effectiveness up to 6 months with maximal effect at 6 weeks.

The mechanism of action of BOTOX in the penis seems to be partly due to the relaxation of the smooth muscle of the arterioles, resulting in increased blood flow (and even in a small increase in length in one study). This increase in erection firmness by increasing arterial flow is exactly how Viagra and Tri-mix injections work. In two separate studies, the injection of BOTOX was helpful to some men (not all) for whom Viagra and Cialis had quit working.

Our Bocoxâ„¢ Treatment

BOTOX, at much higher doses, has been used for 2 decades for various problems with an extremely safe history. The P-Shot 100â„¢ procedure is a specific method of injecting blood-derived growth factors, including platelet-rich plasma (or platelet-rich fibrin matrix) and botulinum neurotoxin, to improve the health of the penis and enhance the size or function of the penis. The procedure includes patient selection, method of preparation of materials, method of injection, aftercare, and more.

Suppose someone wants Botox alone injected into the penis. In that case, we have the Bocox™ (BoPriapus) procedure: a specific method of injecting the corpus cavernosi of the penis with botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT)–BOTOX– to improve penile tissue health and to enhance erectile function or penis size.

Our Guarantee: You will see results. If you are not pleased with the results of your procedure for any reason, you can get a full refund for the procedure for up to 3 months.

Request Information Call 561-677-8639

Customer Reviews


Reignite Your Sex Life with Calla Genics

At Calla Genics in Palm Springs, FL, we're committed to improving your overall health and well-being. Sexual health plays a big role in your well-being, which is why we offer innovative ED treatments like Gainswave and P-Shot therapies. These pain-free, confidence-boosting treatments can help you ignite that special spark with your partner and enjoy intimacy like never before. Plus, our ED treatments are simple, stress-free, and less complicated than outdated alternatives.

If you're looking for a team of ED experts who understand the sensitive nature of sexual wellness, look no further than Calla Genics. Whether you're looking for firmer, easy-to-achieve erections or treatment for Peyronie's disease, we're here to help every step of the way.

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